Review by Rohan Wilson in The Australian‘s Review magazine Saturday November 9, 2019. Chafing satire and explosive views By ROHAN WILSON For the most part, Australian literature in the 21st century is fairly toothless. On a good day, our writers can muster up some anger at the appalling treatment of our First Nations people or for […]
A profile by Stephen Romei at The Australian LITERARY EDITOR @PairRaggedClaws 1:00AM OCTOBER 3, 2019 You are a UN conflict resolution expert based in New York. Your brother is the Tasmanian premier. Your sister is the Tasmanian opposition leader. Your mother has cancer and your father is sliding into dementia and speaks only in Shakespearean […]
My first book tour is over. Bruny has been launched across Australia. Thank you to all the bookstores that so graciously and delightfully welcomed me and Bruny to author events across the country. It was such a pleasure to meet readers everywhere, brilliant booksellers, and to discover so many beautiful bookstores! Apart from the events […]
In November 2018 The Museum of Modern Love was published by Algonquin in the USA. It was launched where much of the novel is set – in the atrium at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. Heather was in conversation with esteemed Australian writer, feminist, editor and publisher Anne Summers AO. This is […]
Sydney Morning Herald ‘What I’ve seen of death, someone – or something – comes to get us’ Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we’re told to keep private by getting them to roll a dice. The numbers they land on are the topics they’re given. The Hobart-based author won both […]
Published in The Good Weekend magazine – The Age/ Sydney morning Herald 10 stories by 10 big Authors 14 December 2018 — 12:19pm At the beginning of the year, I wrote in gold pen “The Year of Wonder” on a white piece of card. I had been meditating and it was a feeling that bubbled […]
An Artist Who Explores Emotional Pain Inspires a Novel That Does the Same Heather Rose’s novel, “The Museum of Modern Love,” is a part-fact, part-fiction tale of art, love, grief and convergence. By Tacey Rychter Nov. 26, 2018 Credit Joe Wigdahl for The New York Times SYDNEY, Australia — Heather Rose checked into the Chelsea Hotel […]
Art Restores The Soul In ‘Museum Of Modern Love’ December 10, 201812:00 PM ET HELLER MCALPIN The Museum of Modern Love by Heather Rose Paperback, 286 pages My guess is that you’ve never read a book quite like Heather Rose’s The Museum of Modern Love. I know I haven’t. This is the Australian author’s seventh novel, though it’s […]